Product Certification

Aether Offerings

Product Certification

Aether is engaged in, Enterprise Product Development, Implementation and Certification in specialized domains viz. "Payments", "Core Banking", "Lending" and "Sales Automation".

Certifications of financial products, be it regulatory or business need, is key aspect in taking product live and smooth functioning of business. Aether has experience in certification of payment and lending products for the need of financial institutions. Aether also has experience in certifying products for clearing specifications (SWIFT, FEDWire and ACH).

Aether enables identified Clearings to GPP product and Certify to ensure that it fulfils industry requirements, Clearing specifications adhering to GPP architecture and guidelines.

Clearing Enablement and Certification involves following main steps:

  • Study Clearing Specifications
  • Define Scope by looking at GPP Product requirement and Clearing Specifications
  • Design Last Mile and Certification strategy
  • Develop Last Mile
  • Configure to enable Last Mile solution to enable Clearing for GPP
  • Test and Certify
  • Maintain the Clearing solution per ongoing Clearing Specification changes.

Expertise in Nutshell


For last 15 years+, Aether is working on various products. These products are being used by the businesses. Aether takes care of various aspects of product lifecycle start from conceptualization stage.


Core Banking, FinTech, Lending, Sales Automation


Contemporary web and mobile technologies. Web technologies are predominantly Java and Python based. Mobile is cross platform native apps, mostly using Flutter.